At BDM, we understand that every individual or business has unique financial needs. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer searching for the perfect mortgage, a seasoned investor seeking to expand your portfolio, or a business owner looking for funding solutions, we're here to guide you through every step of the process. Our Services
Personalised Mortgage Consultations
Tailored advice and solutions to meet individual financial needs.
First Time Homebuyer Programs
Special incentives and guidance for new homebuyers.
Refinancing Expertise
Assistance in securing lower rates and optimising existing mortgages.
Construction Loans
Funding options for building dream homes.
Business / Commercial Lending
Financing options for a new venture, expanding, or managing cash flow.
Self Managed Super Fund Loans
SMSF investment loan allows the SMSF Funds as a deposit to purchase an investment property.
Investment Property Financing
Solutions for expanding real estate portfolios.
Educational Resources
Workshops and resources like New Letters, FREE Property Reports and a valuation for informed decision-making.
Guarantor Backed Home Loans
A guarantor provides additional security, enabling first time home buyers without a deposit to Secure a home loan more easily.
Government Backed Loan Assistance
First Home Owners Grant, Family Home Guarantee, Regional First Home Buyer Guarantee. Exemption or Concession on Stamp duty.
Asset Finance
individuals or businesses who are looking to purchase an asset, i.e Motor vehicle, Truck, business equipment or machinery.
Initial Appointment
Loan Application
Loan Assessment
Conditional Approval
Valuation Report
LMI Approval
Unconditional Approval
Loan Settlement
Meet the Team
At BDM, we believe in delivering transparent, honest, and personalised service to every client. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to guiding you through every step of the process, ensuring you secure the best deal possible.